More, more often and for longer time. Children and youngsters with NDD on internet

More, more often and for longer time. Children and youngsters with NDD on internet is a report made by the Nätkoll project and the National Media Council in collaboration.

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Publicerad • Uppdaterad
Författare: Statens medieråd • Utgivningsår: 2018

This report is a part of Attention's work to make internet safer for children and youngsters with neuropsychiatric disorders and for the adults close to them.

The report describes an inquiry done by Nätkoll in a project run by Attention Hisingen-Kungälv and financed by Arvsfonden (Swedish Inheritance Fund).

The data was collected during the autumn of 2015 and the Swedish Media Council has compiled the data and done the analysis.

Statens medieråds rapporter

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