Digital media and mental health in children and adolescents: A research review - English summary

The media landscape has undergone a dramatic change with the emergence and proliferation of the Internet and digital technologies, which have become essential parts of children's lives. Swedish children's media use has rapidly increased, become more diversified and advanced. As a result, the potential risks associated with media use have also changed.

Hälsa och välmående Föräldrar Förskolan Gymnasieskolan Högstadiet Lågstadiet Lärare och skolpersonal Mellanstadiet Myndigheter och organisationer Vuxna Rapporter och undersökningar

Publicerad • Uppdaterad
Författare: Statens medieråd • Utgivningsår: 2020

This research review is authored by Sissela Nutley and Lisa Thorell at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychology, Karolinska Institutet.