Living in World of Warcraft - the thoughts and experiences of ten young people
English version of the study of MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)-playing teenagers, that was carried out in 2007 by Jonas Linderoth, PhD, and Ulrika Bennerstedt, MA, of Gothenburg University. The report is the result of a commission by the Media Council.
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Författare: Jonas Linderoth and Ulrika Bennerstedt • Utgivningsår: 2007
The study consists of interviews with a number of young players about their lives in relation to the game, both online and off. The teenagers stories reveal the attraction, as well as the conflicts that may arise. Living in World of Warcraft provides a unique insight into the effects of extensive online playing, adding nuance to the picture generally reflected in the newspapers and on TV.
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