Våra relationer
Här får du ett färdigt lektionspaket med ett urval av övningar som tillsammans tar ca 120 minuter. Syftet med denna lektion...
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This is a complete lesson with a selection of exercises that takes 120 minutes in total. The aim of this lesson is for the pupils to reflect on how the media landscape affects our relationships. If you prefer you can pick the exercises you think suits your group of pupils by using the filter function on the website’s start page.
There are many methods to influence people to do what you want. A classical example of influence are carrot and stick, in other words punishment and reward. In the information we access daily a number of different methods are used to get us to think and even act in a specific way. The aim of this exercise is for pupils to gain more in-depth knowledge on methods of influence, and then to examine how they are used.
Which methods of influence do you know of? Discuss which of these are the most effective. Motivate!
In this exercise our starting point is seven different methods that are used to influence people's thinking. The methods of influence are presented in the printable reference materials pdf. Print out the reference materials pdf, cut out the cards and give one card to each group. Then split the participants into seven groups where each group is responsible for one method.
Instructions to participants:
The groups discuss and come up with how their method of influence can be countered. This is presented in the form of a short action plan with phrases such as:
The film about raccoons, Det nya hotet, shows how you can create fear and rejection through propaganda. This has happened many times in the history of mankind, and in the worst case has helped make it possible to murder thousands of people. The aim of this exercise is to connect the conclusions in the film with real life events. This is done by examining how different groups of people have been singled out in the society they live in.
> Watch the film Det nya hotet (English subtitles) Länk till annan webbplats.
> Watch the film Det nya hotet - så gjorde vi filmen (English subtitles) Länk till annan webbplats.
The task is to compare the methods used in the film with some real life events:
A lot in our society revolves around selling. Advertising is of major importance and companies invest a great deal of money in marketing. Still, most of us say that we are not influenced by adverts. Is that really true? The aim of this exercise is to practice critical examination of advertising messages.
Imagine that a line runs through the room. The line symbolises a scale where the one end represents “not at all” and the other end represents “very much”. Read a statement and let the pupils place themselves on the line according to how much they agree with the statement.
Look for two examples of adverts that you feel target you. They may be advertising images, texts and advertising films.
Här hittar du fler övningar som ingår i MIK för mig - ett digitalt utbildningsmaterial i medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK) som vänder sig till skolor, skolbibliotek och folkbibliotek. Syftet med materialet är att utbilda elever och vuxna som finns och agerar i ungas närhet.
Här får du ett färdigt lektionspaket med ett urval av övningar som tillsammans tar ca 120 minuter. Syftet med denna lektion...
Här får du ett färdigt lektionspaket med ett urval av övningar som tillsammans tar ca 120 minuter. Syftet med denna lektion...
Här får du ett färdigt lektionspaket med ett urval av övningar som tillsammans tar ca 120 minuter. Syftet med denna lektion...